Indonesian police charged a young American couple with murder in Bali today. Heather Mack, 19, and her boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, 21, allegedly killed Heather's mom, stuffed her into a suitcase, and left the suitcase in the trunk of a taxi. Mack and Schaefer say 62-year-old Sheila von Wiese-Mack was killed by robbers.

From the Associated Press:

Police said the couple hired the taxi and then placed the suitcase inside the trunk. They told the taxi driver that they were going to check out of the hotel and would return. After they didn't show up, hotel security guards who found blood spots on the suitcase suggested the driver take the taxi to the police station, where officers opened the suitcase and discovered the body.

Mack and Schaefer told investigators that robbers broke into Von-Wiese Mack's room and killed her. Exactly how she was killed is unclear—Bali's Head of Forensics Ida Bagus Putu Alit told the AP that she struggled. "We found scars on both forearms and the broken left-hand fingernail," he said. "That indicated a resistance in a fight."

The Daily Mail has more sordid details about Mack, Schaefer, and Von-Wiese Mack, and the tensions that may have been brewing between the three. A St. Regis staff member told the Mail that Mack and her mother were publicly fighting throughout the trip: "The mother had all the appearances of one of our upmarket guests. But the behavior she and her daughter showed did not belong in our hotel. Even so, it's such a tragic end for that poor woman." According to Chicago police, cops responded to over 80 calls to the Macks' home in the last 10 years but never made any arrests.

Mack is now claiming she's pregnant, it's ectopic, and that "it is vital she return home to the U.S. for care." She's being represented by a Chicago lawyer, but it's not clear if Schaefer has representation. The two "could face the firing squad if found guilty of a pre-meditated act."

[Image via Instagram/Daily Mail]