Warren Buffett Eats Like He's Locked in a 7-11

Atkins Nutritionals, the company that cashed in on the low-carb Atkins Diet, is up for sale and "could fetch more than $1 billion." Its anti-sugar precepts have become mainstream in America. The lone holdout: one rich motherfucker.
Even as "LOW CARB" has infiltrated our collective consciousness enough to destroy the American cereal industry because it is not sufficiently Paleo, one man is brave enough, self-assured enough, and powerful enough to disregard "diets" and "nutrition" and "basic good sense" and eat like a god damn child let loose in a Dairy Queen after closing time. That man is Warren Buffett. He's 84 years old, he's worth $73 billion, and he doesn't give a fuck.
Fortune magazine's greatest "scoop" ;):
Buffett explained, "If I eat 2700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it everyday." ...
Investors in Berkshire Hathaway may feel relieved that the CEO isn't addicted to Utz Potato Stix at every breakfast. "This morning, I had a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream," Buffett says.
Warren... you bastard.
[Photo: Getty]