Guy Blouin, 48, died in Quebec City, Canada, last week. According to witnesses, he had been run over by a police cruiser after riding his bicycle the wrong way on a one-way street, and officers continued to arrest him even after blood poured out of his mouth.

The police had apparently attempted to pull Blouin over, but somehow hit him instead. The Toronto Sun spoke with two witnesses to the incident, which took place in Quebec City's Saint-Roch district:

"He went under the wheels," said Bibi, who would only give her first name. She said the cruiser then shifted into drive and ran Blouin over a second time.

Witness Sylvie Dion described a "rough arrest" in which officers pinned Blouin to the ground by both of his arms.

Bibi added: "I saw the blood coming out of his mouth, he shouted 'I'm hurt.'"

The officers at the scene reportedly placed Blouin's bike in the trunk of their cruiser and drove off, then later returned and put it back in place.

Another witness told Radio-Canada Blouin was pinned under a tire for 15 seconds, and a fourth described seeing him spit blood while officers attempted to make the arrest.

Blouin died in the hospital Wednesday, September 3, several hours after the crash. Quebec's provincial police are investigating.

[Image via Evo Lucas, h/t Reddit]