• Philadelphians don't believe the Times's sixth-borough crap any more than we do. [Inquirer]
• Because no else seems to have any idea, CBS asks its interns how to save the Evening News. [NYO]
• Officialy, all Timesmen love Judy Miller. Confidentially, not so much. Something for OTR sources to consider: The way you talk about Judy, how far do you think moonlighting E&P newshound Joe Strupp will go to protect your identities? [Salon]
• The Voice calls Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria the pundit world's Backstreet Boy, whatever that means. , egregiously ignoring George Stephanopoulos. [VV]
• A j-school prof wonders, should I tell my students the truth, that the business kind of sucks? Nah, of course not. Where would we be without irrationally earnest j-students? [E&P]