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· All kidding aside: How Bruce Willis has avoided suicide this long is one of Hollywood's biggest mysteries. If the sight of that fedora didn't make him blow his brains out all over Kutcher's white suit, nothing will.
· Just in case you're the last person on earth to hear about today's release of the video iPod, onto which you can download day-old episodes of Lost and Desperate Housewives thanks to Steve Jobs' unholy alliance with Disney, here you go. And if somehow this link that goes directly to Apple's site makes a free one show up in our mailbox, so be it. We are not ashamed of being whores to our shiny, white master.
· We are willing to bet that this MAC ad is not very popular among a select group of very high-powered publicists.
· "All the girls ended up getting naked in the movie. It’s really amazing, they want $30,000 to $40,000 a day to pose for Playboy, but we got them to do it for $200 a day, scale!” Don't forget, that low, low fee also includes the golden showers.