Remainders: Paris Hilton's Bruised Bentley

• Stavros Niarchos plows Paris Hilton's Bentley into a truck. Lindsay Lohan laughs at the half-assed imitation. [Defamer]
• Perhaps someday Paris will be reduced to little more than a bunch of shitty old pictures on eBay, just like her mother. [eBay]
• A warm congratulations to Philadelphia-booster Jessica Pressler, whose "sixth borough" Times piece has burrowed itself deep into the cultural lexicon of...Gilmore Girls. Next up, an OC mention. [Verbose Coma]
• Demi Moore takes nip-slipping to a whole new level, much to the chagrin of anyone with minimal visual capabilities. [Cityrag]
• Hetracil is the most widely prescribed anti-effeminate medication in the world. Pop a pill and fix that gay today! [Hetracil]