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• For those of you who think Gawker hates everything, we present the picture at right. As of this moment, we fucking love it more than anything in our otherwise empty lives. The nipple-grazing waistband, the faint suggestion of his package, snug like an Almond Joy... Yes, Matt Lauer, you have made our day. God bless. [The Daily]
• Heather Mills. Hardcore German porn. We've no idea where to even begin with this. [Sun UK]
• It's Gawker Stalker for the Sperry Topsider set: Yachtspotter, with which users track the locations of the world's most ostentatious, luxury battleships. Go forth and find thee a Diddy. [Yachtspotter]
• In other stalking news, there's great development for those obsessives who prefer to use MySpace to stalk the object of their desire. notifies you when your crush's relationship status goes to single. 14-year-olds the world over rejoice. [TechCrunch]
• A groom from the Observer's Bridal Blog learns that newlyweds are not celebrities, and therefore they shall not receive swag. [NPR]
• Gay Pride comes to Queens, and the queens do celebrate. It's a modest parade, sadly, with no spectacular asscheeks to speak of. [Manhattan Offender]