Media Bubble: On Your Bike
This image was lost some time after publication.- Morgan Stanley continues to slap Sulzberger around. [NYP]
- New Philadelphia Inquirer editor gets enthusiastic welcome, tells everyone they're going to be fired. [PI]
- Bonnie Fuller thinks readers want more opinions from Star editors. [WWD]
- Jack Shafer uses some kind of bicycle metaphor to predict how cuts at the L.A. Times will occur. Okay. [Slate]
- Speaking of the LAT, it's Geffen v. Burkle in the battle of the billionaires to own the paper. Also, rich people like to buy things. [NYT]
- Female editors were relentlessly promoting their magazines on TV long before Dave Zinczenko had rock-hard abs. [FBNY]
- Larry King: unaware that Republican National Committee chief Ken Melhman is gay, Republican National Committee chief. [HuffPo]
- Seth Mnookin finds a way to make Times gossip interesting: Race and sex! [Seth Mnookin]
- Former political correspondent poignantly addresses plight of female political correspondents: math is hard. [NYT]
- Donny Deutsch and Ted Turner: Oh, the humility. [Copyranter]
- Times Public Editor knocks Times Standards Editor for TimesSelect articlevertisement. [NYT]