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  • We think it's kind of tacky to mock a Parkinson's patient for writing a doddering, fogeyish column about the Internet. So we'll let Wonkette do it. Anyway, our guess as to the mystery journalist is Kaus. [Slate]
  • Boo hoo hoo, Washington Post reporters now have to go through the same appraisal system everyone else in the white collar world goes through annually. [NYO]
  • Allison Benedikt officially named Voice film editor. [The Reeler]
  • Military fantasist/departing Cond Nast Steve Florio to open a restaurant. Damn it, Graydon, see what you started? [NYP]
  • Tribune wants to delay its buyout, presumably because no one was dumb enough to pay the premium on what they're selling. [LAT]
  • "Tomato-haired beauty" Maureen Dowd "has the greatest job in America." Also, she is not Tony Dungy. There's a reason some stuff is only published on the Web. [The Nation]
  • Jon Friedman is the meat in a Julia Allison/Melissa Lafsky sandwich. Yes, there's a reason we didn't throw the picture up here. [ETP]
  • We're just gonna quote Romenesko on this one: "Dobbs overdose." [Mother Jones]
  • What we need more of is Tory Burch profiles. Thanks for making that dream come true, Vanity Fair. [WWD]
  • Portfolio should just buy the Wall Street Journal and be done with it. [NYP]
  • "Fuck IvyGate." [NYO]
  • Correction of the Day: "An article and headline on Saturday about the Staten Island Museum, which is celebrating it's 125th anniversary, referred incorrectly to one item in the museum's collection of curiosities. It is a four-legged - not four-headed - chicken." [NYT]
  • Bonus Correction: "An article last Wednesday about Jim Leff, a founder of the Internet discussion group, misstated the number of continents on which the food writer Mimi Sheraton has searched for bialys. It is five, not two." [NYT]