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The secret to Headline News' success? Bloviators, and plenty of 'em. [NYT]
Meredith Viera is doing just fine on Today, thanks. [NYDN]
Departing Daily Show/Colbert producer Ben Karlin's exit could not be more amicable. Really. He and Jon Stewart are still totally trading one-liners and stuff. [NYT]
Speaking of Colbert, he's the I Want Media Media Person of the Year for 2006, which is like winning a Pulitzer except, you know, the whole "award from a website no one's ever heard of" thing. [IWM]
Field guide or no, we still have no idea who Louise McBain is, or why we should give a shit. In any event, she stiffed avant-garde director Robert Wilson's Hamptons museum (read that phrase again, isn't it incredibly ridiculous) to the tune of $50,000. [NYP]
NBC Universal ad chief Keith Turner is hitting the road, possibly because Jeff Zucker's a dick. [THR]
The shrinking Wall Street Journal worries employees, who will now be forced to blog and stuff. [NYP]
The highly-anticipated relaunch of the CNBC happens today. Let us know how that one turns out. [Guardian]
Donny Deutsch, babydaddy, might make a good target for Evan Bayh or some other Dem presidential hopeful with no other shot at the nomination. [Kausfiles]
Personality-driven daytime TV shows losing ratings. Yes, Oprah too. [B&C]
"Kent Brownridge is no Ron Galotti when it comes to being a gentleman farmer." If this sentence means anything to you, you either work in the media industry or are stalking one of the gentlemen in question. [WWD]