Media Bubble: Thin On The Ground
This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.- Say hello to the new Wall Street Journal. For free! [WSJ]
- Sad old man reads papers, eats breakfast, alone. [NYT]
- Meet the Brits who have achieved success in New York. Bear in mind that this list includes fabulous Marie Claire success Joanna Coles. [Independent]
- They're going award-crazy over at HuffPo. [ETP]
- Disney redesigns its website. [NYT]
- 2006: Not exactly a safe year to be a journalist. RELATED: This must-read article by the Times's Dana Canedy. [AP]
- William Safire: Not exactly Kreskin. [Radosh]
- Go with God, Zulkey. [MB Toolbox]