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Even on Hollywood's Second Biggest (And First Drunkest) Night, Isaiah "Dr. McChokey" Washington found himself unable to escape the lingering spectre of Chokegate, in which the homophobic slur Washington allegedly hurled while in the middle of a high-minded debate with co-star Patrick Dempsey over their professional relationship launched other co-star T.R. Knight out of the primetime closet. While Washington offered a red carpet soundbite expressing his unbridled enthusiasm for all things queer ("'I love gay. I wanted to be gay,' he said. 'Please let me be gay'"), the controversy-hungry press corps wouldn't let him off the hook when he arrived backstage following Grey's Anatomy's Globe win. Reports Access Hollywood:

After a reporter questioned the validity of the on-set incident, Washington denied his involvement saying, "No, I did not call T.R. a faggot. Never happened, never happened."

In response to Washington's use of the slur when addressing the situation last night, Heigl spoke out.

"I'm going to be really honest right now, he needs to just not speak in public. Period. I'm sorry, that did not need to be said, I'm not okay with it," Katherine told Shaun.

Access Hollywood crows that Washington sought out the welcoming embrace of Billy Bush following the press room firing squad:

"I kiss Patrick Dempsey. We sing 'Ebony and Ivory' everyday since the so-called incident and it hasn't come up. We purposely sing 'Ebony and Ivory' every night since October 9 and nobody has written about it," he added.

Sure, the McDreamy/McChokey feud may have been diffused by the brotherhood-engendering power of song, but we fear that now that this new rift on the Grey's set is being made public, not even Washington and Knight joining together for a tear-drenched recreation of Elton John and Eminem's tolerance-promoting Grammy rendition of "Stan" at a wrap-party karaoke machine will be enough to heal these freshly reopened wounds.