• Holy crap, Ian Urbina did a lot of work in this piece on kids who just want to sell magazines but wind up hanging out with meth-addicted prostitutes. Only 11 months and one week until the next Pulitzer deadline! [NYT]
  • The Post is all broken up about that fireman fuckup the News ran last month. Seriously, you can feel Keith Kelly's deep, deep compassion. [NYP]
  • Meanwhile, the Post's Col Allan pulls a Uriah Heep act. [NYO]
  • "What Wired does well on a consistent basis is force the readers to think." So it's sort of like the opposite of a Jon Friedman column. [MarketWatch]
  • New political editor at Times; deeper web integration at political desk. [LAObserved]
  • Helen Thomas not seated in front row of White House briefing room for first time since the Fillmore administration. [The Politico]
  • Getty looking to expand. [NYP]
  • Rodale: Likes abs. [WWD]
  • Brian Williams bans tabloid news and we love him more each day. [TVNewser]