Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Arnold Schwarzenegger Does His Part For The Environment

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Napoleon Dynamite doing comparative breast pump shopping.
In today's episode: Arnold Schwarzenegger; Luke Wilson; Ryan Gosling; Joaquin Phoenix; Britney Spears; Paris Hilton; Tara Reid; Pam Anderson and Brandon Davis; Sandra Oh; Jon Heder; Mike Tyson; Fred Armisen and Paul F. Tompkins; Luis Guzman; Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz; Milla Jovovich; Richard Schiff and Sheila Kelley; Dr. 90210; Robbie Williams; Amy Smart; Shannyn Sossamon; Treat Williams; Shane West and Jay Tarses; Amaury Nolasco; Tori Amos; Rider Strong and Rumer Willis; In San Francisco: Rex Lee.
· Arnold Schwarzenegger (4/27) driving his Bentley convertible (top down!) on San Vicente in Brentwood. Creme suit w/ pseudo aviator-style shades. Just try to pull that off, Spitzer.
· Friday 4/27, 4-ish at the intersection of SM and 5th in Santa Monica: I'm walking towards my gym, dodging cars, homeless people, and the hipper-than-thous outside of Real Food Daily, when who do I see? Luke Wilson apparently evacuating the huddled, now-smoke-free masses crowded about the Third Street Promenade. He was alone and didn't appear to have purchased anything. Much taller and thinner than I thought he would be, definitely a lot more attractive in person than the Butterscotch Stallion.
· Saturday Night (4/28 - 9:40 p.m.) Saw Ryan Gosling and another dude buy tickets at the Laemmle Sunset 5. Half Nelson was wearing faded jeans and some kind of button-down shirt. Looked like just a regular, happy guy out going to the movies. My homo friends swear the other guy was a "date." I don't agree, but I'm not above starting rumors.
· sunday @ fiesta broadway in downtown. saw ryan gosling walk into the arcade we were in that was open during the giant fiesta. he lives nearby, i think. he was with two guy friends, no girlfriend. casually walked around, played some games.
· I was at Aroma in Studio City, yesterday Friday the 27th for lunch, and realized I was standing in line behind Joaquin Phoenix and his girlfriend. They looked very happy and in love - she was gorgeous, petite, dark-haired and looked like sort of a cross between "Amelie" Audrey Tautou and Jennifer Connolly. At one point the lady had gone somewhere and he was sitting alone with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, very Walk The Line. I got a thrill.
· While cruising down Ventura Blvd. in Studio City on Saturday afternoon, I spotted Britney Spears in her fishnet finery leaving Naked Baby Boutique.
· Paris Hilton was tooling around the VIP area at Coachella with Britney Spears' MANNY as her sherpa. She's such a douche. She had him carrying a giant backpack around for her and her idiot posse. On Saturday, she walks up to this 'tour manager' looking person and was all pouty...literally with her bottom lip sticking out and whining to him. Then, he walks off and she follows (again with the idiot posse in tow). WHY was she there?
Also, Tara Reid - hammered and swerving around at 5:30pm on Saturday with everyone trying to get pictures with her. Pretty great.
· 4/28 'round midnight Pam Anderson at The Polo Lounge with a corpulent dude around 40. She was wearing white and boobs. . .and bored enough to check out my shit. . .I think. Maybe not. Also, Brandon Davis, "oozing sweat from every pore as he oiled his way across the floor," as they used to say in My Fair Lady. Really, he seemed aimless and an utter waste of protoplasm.
· My first celebrity sighting in Hollywood -
Around 11:30ish PM on 4/27, chillin' at the Blu Monkey Bar & Lounge for a friend's b-day, when the girlfriend looks over and spots Sandra Oh!, with two unrecognizable, trendy-looking white males, one of who appeared to be a boyfriend. I resisted the urge to run up to her and say "ZOMG, I LUV YOU SO MUCH!!!" like several other people because really, Grey's Anatomy is kinda dumb. But she was good in Sideways.
· /27 Shopping for my first breast pump with my mom at the Santa Monica Pump Station (What do you mean I have to wait for the fore milk to start? What is fore milk?), my mom whispers that John Mayer is looking at baby slings behind me. Of course I think all of my financial troubles are over, since I'm going to snap a picture of him shopping for baby stuff for Jessica Simpson...when I turn around and see that it's Jon Heder of Napoleon Dynamite and Blades of Glory. Seems your hearing goes when you get pregnant, too. Anyway, he was on the phone with his wife asking what color or size or whatever she wanted. Deciding that Us Magazine would not pay me a cent for that picture, I returned my attention to the sales associate explaining why I don't want to mix nipple cream with silicone breast shields.
· Sunday, 4/28, Urth Caffe: Mike Tyson, being openly stared at by the chai latte crowd. While he was there I kept my knees clenched together and my hand wrapped around my rape whistle, just in case. He said goodbye to the people at the neighboring tables when he headed out (with his average-looking, 30ish male pal), and acted friendly enough.
· I caught the 2:20 showing of "Hot Fuzz" this afternoon (4/29) at the Arclight and while standing in the endless concessions line, I spotted Fred Armisen and Paul F. Tompkins. They were with a brunette who looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place her. They went largely unnoticed, except by me who proceeded to nerd out once they were safely out of sight. Both Fred and Paul look like they do on TV, but Paul looked a little old around the eyes. And his shaved head is not cute. Bring back the curls, Paul! I wished I could have seen where they were sitting in the theater, but by the time I got my Dibs and got to my seat, the lights were out and the previews had started. I hope they liked the movie as much as I did.
· After a dozen trips to so cal, I finally had my first sighting. While going to the ticket line for the 4/18 San Diego Padre game, I saw El Cid from OZ, aka awesome character actor Luis Guzman walking into the park with two friends. It seemed like everyone who walked past him would recognize him as someone familiar a few seconds later and do a double take. No one in my group knew who he was so my sighting got me no love until I got home to New Mexico. However how people recognized him doesn't say very much for NM (Me: I saw Luis Guzman at the Padre game. Them: Who? Me: He was in Boogie Nights, Anger Management, Carlito's Way, OZ, etc. Them: Who?? Me: He was Lloyd's dad in Dumb and Dumber II. Them: OHHHH! HIM! WOW!).
· Friday night I dined, albeit from across the room, with Ashlee Simpson and her Fall Out Boy Pete Wentz at the Hamlet on Sunset. No more man makeup please.
· Spotted model/actress/clothing designer/singer Milla Jovovich in the Target at Santa Monica & La Brea (or as we like to call that locale, Tar-Gay) late Sunday (yesterday) afternoon. Very tall. No make-up. Great bone structure. She was hanging out with a little, blonde-haired girl, and they looked like they might be buying toys. Milla was wearing a long-sleeved, peach colored, cotton top and low-rise jeans that nicely accentuated the bump on her belly. I was convinced she was pregnant, but my b/f and friend disagreed.
· Big weekend for celebrity car sightings:
Friday 4/27 11pm - I was sitting outside MILK, the new dessert place on Beverly Bl, and saw Richard Schiff and the stripperific Sheila Kelley idling at a stop sign and looking longingly at our brownie sundae while they waited to turn right in their white BMW 7 series.
Saturday 4/28 3pm - sat next to Dr. 90210's Dr. Rey at a light on Santa Monica Blvd and Lincoln. He was driving a black 911 with a Harvard license plate holder and some sort of martial arts bumper sticker (seriously, who puts a bumper sticker on that car?). Couldn't tell if he was neglecting his wife, per the usual.
· This Sunday (4/29) saw Robbie Williams hiking in Runyon with some dude. Robbie looked hot but is definitely getting old; he had a full head of salt & pepper hair and all. My friend and I were still pretty stoked to spot him though.
· Sun. 4/28, 8pm, waited behind Amy Smart for the bathroom at Coachella. Tall, skinny and tan, braless, wearing a cotton jumper so loose it afforded all in the vicinity a healthy portion of sideboob with a frequent helping of pert nipple.
· Sunday 4/29 - saw Shannyn Sossamon walking down main street, Santa Monica. Looked amazing without an ounce of make up on. My friend couldn't get over the fact that she just passed someone who got to make out with Josh Hartnett and filed the sighting away to report back to her peeps in Indy.
Sunday 4/29 - eating at Enterprise Fish Company in Santa Monica and saw Treat Williams leaving the restaurant. Could hardly wait for him to exit so I could call my mother and tell her I saw the dad from Everwood. She promplty reminded me that he was also on Brothers & Sisters this season!
· Flash! The guy who played Michael J. Fox's coach in Teen Wolf (Jay Tarses) was getting on a plane at LAX last Friday, 4/27. Now that I have your attention, so was Shane West, carefully riding the recognize me-no don't line, not wearing sunglasses in the Starbucks just inside the Southwest/USAir terminal, but rolling with a posse of lessers and talking a little too loud in his vaguely gravelly wannabe growl before 'glassing up for the gates area.
So far more people seem to know Coach Finstock.
· On 4/25, around 10AM, at Crunch while suffering through my weekly session with my trainer, noticed Amaury Nolasco (Sucre on Prison Break.) White wife beater, dark blue shorts, jumping rope. Surprisingly cut and hot in person. I'd drop the soap in his shower any time.
· I spent many years of my young life listening to Little Earthquakes, and other Tori Amos albums. Imagine my delight when I was at Shutters this afternoon (Sunday) for a little lunch, and I her having some tea (and I assume some lunch...), and wearing a camo cap and a grey t-shirt (American Apparel?). She has no boobs at all.
· Saw Rider Strong (of "Boy Meets World") fame at the Hollywood YMCA in the afternoon on Monday, April 30. That boy is all grown up and looks mighty fine. Great body, looks good with a moustache/beard combination.
· Apparently Rumer Willis Moore Kutcher (who is much prettier in person, but still very pointy chinned) works at the Marc Jacobs on Melrose. I've seen her there twice now looking appropriately hip & disheveled like the rest of the employees. When I saw her last month she was hanging out behind the counter not paying much attention to customers and again today she was behind the counter still oblivious to helping anyone. If she doesn't work there, she doing a great job pretending. Ah, the things rich people will do to get free clothes.
Special SFO Lloyd Edition:
· 4/29/2007: Saw Rex Lee (Lloyd!!!!) in the San Francisco International Airport security line. Since I'm not an LA-type, I did the fawning "you are great in your show!" He graciously said thanks. Saw him pose for pictures for others in the line. I thought about taking a picture of him in line as proof and send to my husband, but I thought I might get attacked by airport security if I took a picture of the security area!