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Perhaps realizing that the impromptu, beer-soaked promotional appearance he made on behalf of Live Free or DieHard at halftime of a recent Nets playoff game might not reach as many hardcore film nerds as he'd like, onetime wisecracking animated critter and resurgent action star Bruce Willis has taken to the Talkback boards at Ain't It Cool to get the word out about his comeback vehicle, which he swears will contain all the brain-splattering, hard-R violence his fans crave despite a PG-13 rating that limits him to a mere two "fucks." Here, Willis dramatically outs himself as suspiciously defensive poster "Walter B":

I am Walter B
by Walter B
i am John Mafuckin'Clane. What if I came to you all, just as as guy who in the last weeks of post, facing a 5 week, World-Wide press tour, an crazed at the prospect of it, just wanted to take a simpler approach to talking to this enormous group of people, who depsite pre-judgements from many, praise from a smaller minority, and some just waiting to see "what shakes out", merely wished to have an outlet to chat with people I seldom get to chat with, and what if I just listened?

And then thought about what I was going to say, and wrote back honestly. I had a website up for a while, I shut it down for an indefinite period, but now, getting ready to launch the longest shot of my careeer, I feel a strong personal pull to hear from an audience I do not know, sans Bullshit,(And that means I tell the Truth), sans gossip, just the straight, tight shit. I would personally hope it might be more about my work, good and bad, just us. Harry can chime in if he likes, but frankly it's not cumpolsory........HOW WOULD THAT BE? in veritas Beedub

Understandably, this self-declaration of movie-star authenticity was rejected as insufficient proof that Willis was mingling with the unwashed internet masses. But to his credit, rather than allow naysayers to taint the board with their disbelieving negativity, the actor fired up his video-enabled iChat as a show of good faith (pictured above), proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that he has nothing better to do with his time than commune with those who would make the heretical claim that Michael Bay would've been a better choice to direct the new Die Hard than Underworld's Len Wiseman. Which reminds us:

by Walter B
Would have ruined DH4. Few people will work with him now, and I know I will never work with him again.

Knowing that Bay is no stranger to the internet himself, we hope he takes appropriate umbrage at his former Armageddon partner's slight, joining the fray to let Willis know that his unprovoked attack makes him no better than the other internet dickwads whose opinions he could care less about.