Broke 'Potter' Fan Willing To Play A Round Of Naked Quidditch In Exchange For Movie Ticket

We realize that between gas, parking, exorbitant ticket fees, and outrageous concession stand prices, the enjoyment of the latest chapter of your favorite fantasy film franchise can often turn into a cost-prohibitive affair. We here at Defamer are therefore more than happy to connect Harry Potter fans of limited means to those of you looking for moviegoing companionship with the potential for something more. Or, to put it more plainly, who'd like to get some hot Craigslist action for the price of a movie ticket?
will put out if u take me to see harry potter - 19
Date: 2007-07-11, 6:20PM PDT
I'm 19, 6'1''. a liitle extra weight..I wanna go see harry potter but i have no money...anyone wanna take me?...
While we salute the great lengths to which this determined Potterite is willing to go to experience the sexual awakening of his adolescent wizard hero, we wonder if it's perhaps a tad stingy of spirit to require anyone who makes it past the first elimination rounds to sign a fine-print-heavy Terms of Agreement, stating that it's a stadium-seating-only offer, and that purchase of a box of Dibbs and a large popcorn, while not compulsory, guarantees you'll be chasing the Golden Snitch by the end of the night.