It's Like 'The View,' But WIth Bigger Hair And More Gesticulating

· Finding The View to be an unacceptably highbrow discussion of topics of concern to the modern woman with the free time to watch TV during the day, Debi Mazar, Aida Turturro, and Karen Duffy are shopping around a "New Jersey take" on the format. [THR]
· As fleetingly exciting as it was when the studios dropped that residual-rollback proposal they never would have followed through on, the threat of a strike remains "high." Keep stockpiling those canned goods, everyone! [Variety]
· The CW's Online Nation earns the distinction of being the first new Fall show to be canceled. Somewhere, a trio of underachieving, modern-day Neanderthals breathe a sigh of relief that they've survived the initial round of network executions. [THR]
· Fox sets a May 1, 2009 release date for Hugh Jackman's superhero franchise spin-off X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a story that will explore the days before the hirsute mutant gave up his evil-combating vocation to pursue a successful career in musicals. [Variety]
· In the event that Hollywood isn't completely burned down before midseason shows arrive, Fox plans to pair the new Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles with 24 in a two-hour Monday night block of unstoppable-freedom-fighter-related programming. [Variety]