Kardashian Family Benefitting From Need For Strike-Resistant TV Product

· Even though the WGA strike might wipe out a significant portion of this so-far underwhelming Fall season, there's still some good news for TV: most shows have produced enough episodes that the Academy may not have to cancel the Emmys, an awards show that rivals the average picket line in thrills-per-minute even in years when it's not hampered by labor strife. [Variety]
· E! further fortifies its lineup of strike-proof programming by picking up a second season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a show they can easily spin off into separate series following each member of the Hollywood's bustiest, semifamous family should the need for even more mindless schedule-filler arise. [THR]
· The amazing No Country for Old Men (seriously, go see it immediately, if only to cultivate a fear of Javier Bardem you'll never shake) is the Coen Brothers' best limited release opening yet, pulling in an average of over $42,000 per screen. [Variety]
· ABC, FOX and NBC tie for first place in the 18-49 demo on Sunday night. Exciting! [THR]
· Mickey Rourke's arrest for DAASUI (Driving An Adorable Scooter While Under the Influence) has had no ill-effect on his career (and really, how could it have?), as he'll replace Nic Cage in Darren Aronosky's The Wrestler. [Variety]