'Two Tickets To Oscars Gets My Wife As Your Unconditional Sex Slave!' Says Craigslist User

Because we at Defamer would like nothing more than to place visiting couples fully indoctrinated into The Lifestyle with spouse-sharing-curious members of the showbiz community who also happen to be in possession of a spare pair of tickets to the Academy Awards and Governor's Ball, we now faithfully reproduce for you a Craigslist ad brought to our attention over the weekend. (It's since been removed by conscientious members of the Craigslist community, who strongly feel that whoring out one's wife, however much mutual consent is involved, has no place in the most venerated and dignified awards show of all. Get thee to The Flackies, pervies!) The ad begins like this:
GF will do anything for Two (2) Tickets to Academy Awards - mw4m - 40
The rest of the ad, plus a screenshot of the goodies up for grabs, follow after the jump:
We are a real and very genuine couple who once in a while likes a little kinky, naughty play. We are coming in the week of the 18th and would like to attend the Academy Awards. MY GF is willing to do ANYTHING I tell her to do for Two (2) Tickets to this event and would love to attend an after party as well.
To fully test the perimeters of their tempting, all-inclusive offer, we sent back an e-mail containing this image of a giant Oscar statue covered in delicious, breath-limiting plastic wrap. We're happy to report we got a quick response, consisting of a friendly, "Yup! That too! What section are your seats in? For that kind of kink, we'd have to insist on orchestra or first mezzanine at the farthest," suggesting these Oscar-loving swingers are fully prepared to deliver on their all-caps offer of "ANYTHING," should you have the hotly sought-after goods they seek.