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The Post's Andrea Peyser, who is like a mix of Ann Coulter, Ed Koch, and a rat with rabies, has a few things she can't stand: liberals, whiners, all things pure and good. Now you can add to that list "millimeter wave technology," an improved airport full-body security scanning method. It sees through clothes and leaves nothing to the imagination! "It's enough to make me rethink my hairstyle. I'm not referring to my head." Gross, Andrea Peyser. Jesus. She watches a woman go through the scan, and cleverly riffs, "The machine also shaved off 15 pounds, a good argument for scanning females." I get it, women are fat! Then, she insists that a man go through, so she can look at his penis:

Finally, into the machine popped TSA project manager Kyle Keyser, 27. And I immediately understood the reluctance to use a guy.

Keyser's image was yanked off the screen so quickly, I had yet to determine definitively if he was born Jewish. It was instantaneously clear, however, that the young man is not one to wield a razor near sensitive parts.

Andrea Peyser, if you oppose this technology then the terrorists have already won.