Cameron Diaz And Lake Bell Square Off In Epic Battle Of The Hemlines

You know what they say about hemlines and recessions? Well look no further than What Happens In Vegas co-stars Cameron Diaz and Lake Bell for optimism. At last night's premiere of their comedy, the two actresses seemed to be playing a game of Anything You Can Wear I Can Wear Shorter, alongside somber co-star Ashton Kutcher, who seemed to be playing a game of You Were Right, Demi. Without You I'm Boring And Cannot Dress Myself. Between the grieving Diaz and the toothy Bell, see who revealed more gam and why we're happy they did, after the jump.

Yes, thankfully, the athletically impressive thighs of Lake were more fully on display than those of Diaz, though the actress, making her first red carpet appearance since the passing of her father Emilio. Cameron wore one of her trademark skin-tight dresses, one that gave Gwyneth a run for her money in the clavicle flash arena. But more importantly, why so blue Ashton? And where is Mrs. Kutcher? Haven't you accompanied her and her brood to each and every single one of her flop premieres over the last few years? And she couldn't be bothered to support you at what may turn out to be a quasi-successful rom-com? Maybe ever since Bruce Willis got that manly penis piercing, Kutcher's just feeling a little impish?
[Photo credits: Getty Images]