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A brief refresher course in what's currently going on in the wild world of the Lohans: Lindsay's dad, Michael, apparently banged some woman when he was separated from Lindsay's mom. The lady he banged had a child. Yesterday, Michael took a paternity test to see if the child is his. We're still waiting on that verdict, but stop the presses ... OK! Magazine has the first photos of Lindsay's potential half-sister Ashley!

Well, there certainly are some Lohanesque elements on that punim. The slight wisp of freckles across the bridge of her nose, just like Lindsay; the piercing dark brown eyes just like Michael; the desire for stardom at any price, just like the whole family.

It certainly seems as if this paternity test is gonna come back positive, and we hope it does. It'd be great to see young Ashley cameo on Living Lohan, getting the coldest of cold shoulders from uber-mom Dina. Welcome to your new family, kiddo.

[Photo Credit: OK Magazine]