Paris Hilton Flashes Nipple To Stay Competitive

Paris Hilton just flashed her nipple at a Hollywod club, and it's not because she was supposedly smoking a joint or about to get it on with actor Simon Rex. It's because Paris will not be left out of a celebrity nudity trend. Sex tapes? She is the queen of sex tapes. Vadge flashes? She taught Britney Spears that move. But just last month Britney flashed her boob like she's some kind of Janet Jackson, and Paris WILL NOT BE UPSTAGED. Here's Paris' nipple, and those that bravely paved the way for it (marginally NSFW):
Singer Janet Jackson — known as "Ms. Jackson if you're nasty," according to one of her songs — launches the tit-flash trend into the media stratosphere off with a "wardrobe malfunction" at the 2004 Super Bowl:

Janury 2008: Singer Britney Spears, having flashed her vagina years ago but in the midst of a meltdown, possibly manic-depressive, adjusts her dance outfit so that her breast is exposed to the video paparazzo lurking outside the studio. The same paparazzo had thanked her manager on camera minutes earlier. Unlike with Jackson's flash, so widely seen it earns a $550,000 FCC fine, exposure is limited mainly to a brief appearence on video site YouTube.

Feb. 2008: Partying at Hollywood club Goa and allegedly smoking pot, celebrity socialite Paris Hilton's braless, loose-fitting top exposes her breast to a photographer. British tabloud the Sun headlines its story "Nip-slip Paris looks smokin'." Given that most of the world has already seen Hilton having sex in an internet video, the impact is questionable.