• While girlfriend Jennifer Aniston has been acting like a goody two-shoes, John Mayer has been a total party boy, drinking it up all night at a bar in New York. But he's also been totally domestic and whipped in Las Vegas, where the singer dodged groupies right and left to go to bed early. Since Aniston is really into mixed signals, the actress decided Mayer is "the one." None of this is going unimpregnate Angelina Jolie, Jennifer.
  • Kiefer Sutherland's second marriage ended in divorce after eight years. Which the actor could probably cope with better if they'd let him torture some more "terrorists" on 24, but the show is trying to cut back on the brutality because some general from West Point said the program was actually making it harder to train soldiers. Already busted twice for drunk driving... There's got to be some way for Sutherland to get catharsis! [Reuters]
  • Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughter is 19, and she's dancing on tables in New York clubs. To Morrisey, while drinking Red Bull. At least she's not eating condoms any more. And you guys did name her "Rumer," so none of this is entirely unexpected. [Rush & Molloy]
  • After Boy George was spotted selling clothes at the swap meet or whatever, he was swamped with fans, who were mostly too cheap to spend a lousy 10 pounds on one of his t-shirts. He eventually stomped off. In fairness, 10 pounds is like 300 worthless American dollars. [Sun]
  • Britney Spears' mom is taking advice from Jill Zarin of Real Housewives Of New York City. They met backstage at a concert in New Jersey and chatted. Such a good place to find a mentor. [P6]