• Lenny Kravitz thinks the rumor about him having an affair with the wife of Yankees star Alex Rodriguez originated with his conniving, now-fired manager. A furious Madonna, meanwhile, is trying to muzzle the same wife's lawyer for insinuating she had "an affair of the heart" with Alex.
  • Two women came forward to talk about their affairs with Rodriguez, and someone else claimed he wore a fake moustache to cheating spots so as not to be recognized. And to look extra sexy. [Daily News]
  • Kirsten Dunst totally hooked up with the DJ at Beatrice. ZOMG. [P6]
  • Publicity monster Lizzie Grubman is expanding into management, to make more money. Twenty percent off the top! [Post]
  • The new editor of Art In America is so gauche. Not only is he redecorating with "garish pop colors," but also with a sculpture of some rapper. Or maybe the whole thing is a statement? (There goes my shot at blogging for Art In America.) [P6]
  • This Yankees announcer either has really gross food habits or, more likely, he pissed of Page Six and they couldn't find any real dirt. [P6]
  • The Jimi Hendrix sex tape has been proven real, according to the co-chairman of porn purveyor Vivid Entertainment, because no one could prove it was a fake, despite a cash prize and everything. The woman who "authenticated" it is getting a cut of the profits when the $40 video comes out in the near future. Word on the street is that Lenny Kravitz is behind the whole scheme. Such a troublemaker. [R&M]