• Alterna-socialite Arden Wohl was arrested for writing "Ralphy Lipshits" on the front of a Ralph Lauren boutique in lipstick. That's a variation on the designer's real name of "Ralph Lipschitz" and a dumb thing to do while wearing a headband (which, face it, she almost certainly was), which is probably the clue that allowed police to track Wohl down after she made her drawing. Oh, she also stole some miniature American flags. [P6]
  • Ex-Eliot Spitzer hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre goes to the Waverly Inn because it's classy. (No one tries to touch or talk to her there, they strictly ogle.) [P6]
  • Leonardo DiCaprio, who campaigned against wasteful junk mail, on account of the environment, is now sending out wasteful junk mail mail pitches, on account of the environment. [P6]
  • Jennifer Aniston got upset because boyfriend John Mayer's ex Jessica Simpson sent very well-written love letters, and Mayer still saves them. Or not, because the not-at-all-clingy actress is denying the whole thing. [P6]
  • In an upcoming video for Madonna's tour, Britney Spears will pretend to be a screaming, hair-pulling crazy person, while Madonna will pretend to be a randy bisexual with a thing for Spears. An acting tour de force, in other words. [Sun]