Patrick McMullan Demands Your Respect

Nightlife photographer Patrick McMullan has always wanted to be respected. His pictures helped create the reputations of niche characters ranging from hipster party gods the Misshapes to famed socialgay publicist Kristian Laliberte, and McMullan himself sees no reason he shouldn't share the spotlight. Unfortunately for him, he's fundamentally an inflated paparazzo, and not a wealthy one-a pretty significant stumbling block to becoming close friends with real celebrities. What to do, when publishing books has proved fruitless? Start a self-branded magazine, of course! (That comes on your iPhone, for some reason?) McMullan's new "magazine" will be strictly iPhone-only, I guess to keep it out of the hands of the wrong crowd. The "magazine" will be called PMc and feature his own photos, a double shot of self-promotion.
Calling it "the first of its kind," the bimonthly will be distributed via iTunes for 99 cents per issue. Content will be refreshed daily in order to give readers "an inside look into the glamorous world of Patrick McMullan and his peers."
Ahem. McMullan's self-described "peers" are presumably actual celebrities, or it's hard to see what attraction this "magazine" would have over, I don't know, ANY OF 1000 (free) WEBSITES. But it's doubtful a little venture like this will help the photographer escape what some who know him say is his intractable problem: the more the celebrities and socialites he shoots treat him as just another photog, the more frustrated he becomes. And McMullan's nerves aren't made for that; he once punched an assistant in the face because his camera wasn't ready, we hear. This "magazine" may prove dangerous. [pic via NY Mag]