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Actually, that's not the case at all. (Besides, everyone knows her event is javelin.) No, this was a photograph taken from the opening night of her Sticky & Sweet Tour in Cardiff, Wales. While there existed in it no single sacred-cow-buggering money shot like her last tour's disco ball crucifixion sequence—and the tour before that when she was lowered via loop-and-pulley system onto an engorged Dalai Lama—there was an eyebrow-elevating video installation in which images of John McCain were juxtaposed alongside "photos of Hitler and brutal Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe," while later in the show a similar montage featured Barack Obama spliced with pictures of John Lennon, Mahatma Ghandi, and Ron Popeil Al Gore. Needless to say, the McCain camp was outraged, as much over her heavy-metal bastardization of "Borderline" as they were the ugly comparisons to the Third Reich:

McCain spokesperson Tucker Bounds for was quick to respond to the slam, and pursued the Obama-as-celebrity tack the campaign has employed in recent weeks.

"The comparisons are outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time," he said. "It clearly shows that when it comes to supporting Barack Obama, his fellow worldwide celebrities refuse to consider any smear or attack off limits."

This ugly (yet totally danceable) invocation of Godwin's Law was definitely not what Obama needed on the eve of the Democratic Convention; still, it was later tempered by a much subtler sequence featuring a behoodied Britney Spears trapped in a lift. The clever visuals evoke a real-life viral video sensation in order to illustrate the frustrations of American voters, who feel "trapped" in a "frozen elevator" of someone else's doing, wishing they could just "press the Lobby button" that will liberate them from societal ills and leave them free to "sip the Frappucino" of enlightenment. Madonna: She makes you think, no? Here's video from the show: [Photo credit: WireImage]