• Bad news for NBC Universal: second-quarter profits dropped by 41%. [MW]
• Good news for NBC News: Susan Boyle's first in-depth TV interview will take place with Meredith Vieira on the Today show next Wednesday. [NYT]
• Alpha Media, the company that owns Maxim (and used to own Blender and Stuff)—and which was sold to Steve Rattner's Quadrangle Group in 2007—has changed hands again: Steve Feinberg's Cerberus now runs the show. [NYP]
• Rumor has it Pamela Fiori may be leaving Town & Country. [P6]
Bonnie Fuller is taking over Hollywood Life, the website controlled by Jay Penske, who owns Movieline and recently bought out Nikki Finke. [NYT]
• More Finke: Days after the LA Times ran an article on Hollywood's most powerful blogger comes pretty much the same piece in the NY Times. [NYT]
• All that bad press for CNBC a few months ago must have refocused the network on the things that matter, right? Nope. [Gawker, Zero Hedge]

• The Harry Potter movie is going to mint money this weekend. Duh. [THR]
• Profit at Google was up 17% in the second quarter. [NYT]
• Another day, another scandal at the Times. This one's about whales. [E&P]
• MSN's Wonderwall is giving Yahoo's OMG a run for its money. [NYT]
• Evan Smith, the editor of Texas Monthly, is stepping down. [Romenesko]
• Current TV's CEO, Joel Hyatt, is leaving; Mark Rosenthal will replace him. [NYT]
• Nefarious forces are taking advantage of the Harry Potter mania by offering online access to the movie. Instead, the computer gets a virus. [NYT]