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• Remember how Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn said they were divorcing a few months ago, but then changed their minds and announced they were getting back together? Yea, well, they're divorcing again. [P6, People]
• ESPN's Erin Andrews, the reporter who was filmed in the nude without her consent a few weeks back, can be seen in a new set of "dirty" photos. This time it was intentional, though. [NYDN]
• Celine Dion and the man she calls her husband (but who we always confuse with her grandfather for some reason) are expecting their second child. [OK]
• Leighton Meester was shouting and carrying on with her friends at Philippe in East Hampton last weekend, much to the annoyance of other diners present like NBC chief Jeff Zucker and billionaire Steve Schwarzman. [P6]

• Eric Dane of Grey's Anatomy, wife Rebecca Gayheart, and a "beauty-queen-turned-Hollywood-madam" made a sex-less sex tape. And now an attorney for the couple says they plan to file a lawsuit over it. [Gawker, TMZ]
• The most beautiful love affair in the annals of celebrity relationships—that of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, of course—will not be rekindled, alas. Lachey says he and Simpson have no plans to get back together. [Us]
• Lindsay Lohan bumped into her dad at a party in the Hamptons last weekend and she wasn't too pleased about it. [P6]
• Former Republican congressman Tom DeLay is pretty jazzed to be appearing on Dancing With the Stars. Who wouldn't be? [AP]
Billy Joel has to sell off all his real estate in the Hamptons, either because he hasn't had a hit in since Mario Cuomo was governor or because he needs the cash to settle his most recent divorce from Katie Lee Joel. [P6]
• Nene of the Real Housewives of Atlanta says she once worked as a stripper. You're totally stunned, we understand. [NYDN]
• In other Real Housewives news, Lynne Curtain of the Orange County edition may lose her home if she can't up with some cash quick. [TMZ]
Ralph Lauren went to a benefit last weekend, but insisted on sneaking in through the back door. Why? Because he's Ralph Lauren, that's why. [P6]
• John Cleese has settled his divorce from his third wife and now the Monty Python star has no money. Let's hope he still has his sense of humor. [NYDN]
• Katie Holmes' fashion line debuts this fall in LA. So go book a plane ticket now to ensure you don't miss it. [NYDN]
• TLC feels its being used by Jon Gosselin, so now it's going to blur out all the brand logos he wears on the show. Somewhere Christian Augidier is weeping right now. [NYDN]