• Who hasn't looked at buying BusinessWeek by now? Daily News and US News owner Mort Zuckerman appears to be the latest mogul to join the party. [BW]
• The wave of job cuts at Condé Nast could begin in a few weeks or in a few months, depending on who you ask. But either way, it's going to be ugly. [NYO]
• Fox News continues to trounce the competition: Both CNN and MSNBC experienced big declines in ratings during the third quarter. The situation appears to be especially bleak at CNBC, however. [B&C, HuffPo, ZH]
• Simon & Schuster is shaking things up at a couple of its imprints. [Crain's]
• The New York Times is planning to introduce a Chicago-centric edition of the paper. That's in addition to the San Fran edition launching this fall. [NYT]
• Related: Is the New York Times going to start charging readers to access its website? That's still unclear, but the answer should be coming soon. [NYO]
• "Print is undead," reports the undead print newspaper the Village Voice. [VV]

• It's rumored Reader's Digest laid off a bunch of staffers today. [Gawker]
• How awkward: George Clooney may end up going head to head against George Clooney at the box office this holiday season. [THR]
• Fox is investing in a Chinese-language film for the first time. "Terms of the deal"—nor Wendi Deng's possible role in it—"were not announced." [NYT]
Dan Rather lost his legal battle with CBS yesterday when the case was dismissed by a judge, but the feud damaged both sides in the process. [DF]
• The global ad market is "showing signs of bottoming out." Sweet. [NYT]
• Did Keith Olbermann take an unannounced vacation or has he just been skipping work to go to baseball games? It's a mystery! [Gawker]
• Depressing: Sarah Palin's book doesn't come out for another six weeks and it's already No. 1 book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble's website. [CBS News]
Elisabeth Hasselbeck returns to The View on Oct. 19. Thrilling, huh? [AP]