Happy Birthday

Sean Lennon turns 34 today. Sharon Osbourne is turning 57. Newly retired pro golfer Annika Sörenstam is 39. Former Senator Trent Lott is turning 68. Director Guillermo del Toro turns 45. Tony Shalhoub is 56. Jackson Browne is 61. John O'Hurley of Seinfeld and Dancing with the Stars is 55. Actor Brandon Routh is turning 30. C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb is 68. Singer-songwriter P.J. Harvey is 40. And Randy Spelling—son of Aaron and Candy and brother of Tori—turns 31 today. A few weekend birthdays are below.
Saturday: Mario Lopez (36); Brett Favre (40); Paper's Mickey Boardman (43); T's Stefano Tonchi (50); Adam Nagourney (55); socialite Celerie Kemble (36); artist Banks Violette (36); Cornell Medical College dean Antonio Gotto Jr. (74); and David Lee Roth (55).
Sunday: Mets pitcher Orlando Hernandez (44); developer Rob Speyer (40); Michelle Trachtenberg (24); Artie Lange (42); Luke Perry (44); Joan Cusack (47); singer Daryl Hall (63); and Jane Krakowski (41).