• The New York Times says it will cut 100 newsroom jobs, or roughly 8% of its editorial workforce, via buyouts and/or layoffs. [NYT, NYO]
• The Condé Nast cuts continue today at Wired, Glamour and Lucky. [Gawker]
• The bad news for NBC: It's facing blowback from its affiliates over Jay Leno's 10pm show. The good news: MObama is booked on Leno this Fri. [LAT, AP]
• Meanwhile, Vivendi, NBC and Comcast are inching along in their respective negotiations to hand over control of the network to Comcast; and former News Corp. exec Peter Chernin has signed on to advise the cable giant. [NYT, WSJ]
• CBS News paid tribute to late 60 Minutes creator Don Hewitt today. [AP]
• Ticket sales were up big this weekend. As expected, Where the Wild Things Are came in No. 1 at the box office with $32.5 million in sales. [LAT, THR]

• Ad revenue and profits plummeted at Gannett in the third quarter, but the publisher said things are "encouraging," which is nice to hear. [AP, E&P]
David Carr looks at the relationship between the White House and the press as the Obama administration's feud with Fox News rolls into Week 2. [NYT]
• The libel lawsuit against The New Yorker by tribesmen in Papua New Guinea continues; a new lawyer has been attached to the $45 mil. complaint. [Forbes]
Norm Pearlstine sheds light on Bloomberg's BusinessWeek deal. [Wrap]
• MPAA chief Dan Glickman says he'll step down next year. [LAT]
• Just because the balloon boy saga last week was a hoax and a desperate bid for attention—and just because Richard Heene now faces criminal charges for his actions—doesn't mean his reality TV dreams are dead: "In the hands of the right producer, he's promotable and marketable." Yay. [AP]