Fancy business school degrees—who has time for them? Instead of an MBA, wouldn't you rather have some sort of laser-printed homemade certificate stating that you spent six months hanging out with a dude who writes books about "Purple Cows" and "Small is the New Big" and "Meatball Sundae" and other made-up marketing terms? Well Seth Godin's game-changing new "Alternative MBA" is just the program for you! "This sounds as good as summer camp, MBA school, and a spot on 'The Apprentice' mixed together," says one of Seth's enthusiastic minions. Yea, that sounds about right!

The plan is simple: rather than getting an MBA from a real school, move to the New York suburbs and spend half a year doing whatever Seth Godin does, and stuff!

"Here's the program I'm interested in creating:
One hour a day of class/dialogue
Four hours a day of working on my projects
Three hours a day of working on your personal project
Five hours a day of living, noticing, doing and connecting

At the end of the six months, it's quite likely that I'll ask one or more people to stay on. Everyone will get a letter of reference and a certificate worth framing. I think it'll be pretty scarce."

Oh it sure will be! A few simple requirements:

You have to find a place to stay that allows an easy commute to my office outside of NY (zip code 10706). We are three blocks from the train station, which is 40 minutes from Grand Central Station.

You have to speak perfect English.

You can't smoke.

You have to be both nice and smart, with an impeccable list of references

Shucks, everybody I know is out. But the lucky few who qualify won't have to pay a nickel!

Should I pay people who do this? After all, the projects we're doing together are things I'm working on, things that might turn a profit.

On the other hand, should you pay a lot to do this? After all, it's an education and the group and I are helping you develop your skills and ideas—something you'd have a hard time buying at any price.

That's right, you can work 20 hours a week for Seth Godin for free! Then head out into the business world and present your 'certificate worth framing' to the HR department at your dream job. Luckily one of the skills Seth is teaching is "bravery."

Seth Godin got his MBA at Stanford.

Apply now!