CNBC In Fun Insult War With Fox Biz

Fox News is famous for its pathologically agressive flackery—hiring the meanest flacks in the business, and smearing reporters, detractors, and competitors. But rival CNBC is learning to be just as bitchy as Fox itself!
Yesterday Fox Business Network got in a REAL ZINGER by putting CNBC's Jim Cramer on their Christmas cards—as the Grinch, who stole Christmas, financially speaking! But CNBC's response shows they've been worshiping at the altar of Irena Briganti:
"As the lowest rated cable network among all rated cable networks, if Fox 'Business' News sends a card to every viewer, advertiser and individual who has ever seen or even heard of FBN it would be the smallest holiday card print run in history," said a CNBC spokesman.
Ha! This is more dramatic than any "Great Depression." [NYP]