Those fratty nerds at CollegeHumor celebrated the launch of their new MTV television show last night, in the lobby of their big boss Barry Diller's IAC building in Chelsea. Here are some photos.

Everyone else is robots. [Nick McGlynn]

CollegeHumor co-conspirator Jakob Lodwick eyes the talent. [Nick McGlynn]

"The humor went that way." [Kate Miltner]

Our fearless leader, Nick Denton. [Nick McGlynn]

The boys' shadowy benefactor, IAC honcho Barry Diller, makes Humor founder Ricky van Veen blush. Sadly, we don't have video of the way those feet move. [Nick McGlynn]

Julia Allison dances while former Gawker intern Neel Shah looks on. We're told Miss Julia complained that Gawker ruined her life and that she was wearing big snow boots (see below), having freshly arrived from Davos. [Kate Miltner]

Twins? [Nick McGlynn]

It goes there. [Nick McGlynn]

Dance, dance! They threw nickels at their feet! [Kate Miltner]

Julia and some other blogger girls. [Nick McGlynn]

Bespectacled partygoers. [Kate Miltner]

This is Noah. He took a picture of himself every day for six years. [Nick McGlynn]

These two bros were everywhere. [Nick McGlynn]

CollegeHumorist Amir Blumenfeld with a ladyfriend. [Nick McGlynn]

Barry Diller with young men. [Nick McGlynn]

Dreama Walker (Hazel from Gossip Girl) with her crew. [Nick McGlynn]

Julia attempts to get revenge on Chairman Denton for her ruining. Goodnight. [Nick Glynn]