Wow, Nadya Suleman really is radioactive: Yet another agency has distanced itself from the mother of 14. How is she going to sell her story now?

First Suleman was ditched by her Los Angeles publicists, who had received threatening calls and letters.

Now Ambassador, a Christian talent agency in Tennessee, is making sure everyone knows it is not handling Suleman. Ambassador's president told Access Hollywood the company just lent the recent mother of octuplets some advice:

One week ago, a friend of our agency requested Ambassador's help to advise on the protection and licensing of the Suleman family photographs to safeguard the security of the children. While providing this pro bono advice, we explored whether agency representation would best serve the interests of this family.

Wow. If a pro-life agency isn't going to represent Suleman, in the middle of an economic collapse no less, then who will? Perhaps a desperate agency hungry to prove its mettle on a hugely challenging client.

If Suleman was believed to be worth much money, in terms of book and reality show deals, she'd probably have better luck. Even ruthless dictators like Moammar Qadaffi have been able to find flacks when they can pay. Prospective reps are either betting against her or hitting a wall during pay negotiations.