The Rihanna Sex Tape No One Wants To See

A day for relationship regrets: The author of The Manny is losing her husband-y; Madonna's pet model realized she's a control freak; and Rihanna's many regrets supposedly include a sex tape.
- There are videos of Rihanna and Chris Brown having sex, Star magazine claims, and Rihanna's supposedly worried about Brown releasing them. Justifiably so. Also, belatedly so. [Star]
- Holly Peterson is the billion-heiress socialite who wrote a book about a woman who cheats on her workaholic, money-obsessed husband with The Manny, her male nanny. She just split from her husband — a partner at Goldman Sachs — after 15 years of marriage. Supposedly it's more amicable than things were in her book, where the wife found the husband revolting. [P6]
- Madonna doesn't like it when her 22-year-old Brazilian boyfriend has cell-phone conversations in her presence, even with his family. But she loves to call everyone constantly. As a compromise, she recently began allowing him "emergency" calls, and loosened his leash. [Mail]
- Page Six is claiming Vogue's André Leon Talley was spotted eating "chimichangas at Chili's" at LAX. Hysterical libel-suit threats in three, two... [P6]
- Marc Jacobs' engagement to Brazilian advertising executive Loranzo Martone has supposedly been confirmed by a second news outlet. 47th time's the charm when it comes to engagement rumors? [Us]
- Amid rumors she's planning to move away from New York, Mariah Carey is said to have offered $125 million for a mansion in the west Los Angeles neighborhood of Holmby Hills, which abuts Beverly Hills. Five acres, 15 bedrooms, made of limestone and comes with a library you don't even have to buy books for, because it's pre-stocked. Perfect! [Hollyscoop]