Time to hear more about Peter Arnell! Turns out the pistol-packing 'branding' wizard truly screwed Tropicana with his (momentary) redesign of their juice cartons. He's also traumatized his employees, we hear (again):

After its package redesign, sales of the Tropicana Pure Premium line plummeted 20% between Jan. 1 and Feb. 22, costing the brand tens of millions of dollars. On Feb. 23, the company announced it would bow to consumer demand and scrap the new packaging, designed by Peter Arnell. It had been on the market less than two months.

Whoa, that's not good for a guru's aura. At least the gravitational field of Pepsi remains strong. Arnell has a longstanding rep as one of New York's worst bosses. Allow one of our tipsters to add to that:

He had an assistant from Brazil I think. He would make this poor guy rub his feet during working meetings and would have him retrieve some arbitrary item from the parking garage (2 stories down, via elevator) in a specific time or he would threaten firing him and sending him back to Brazil.


He also usually requested the same limo/town car driver when coming to Los Angeles. (The company I worked for at the time was in LA, near the ocean.) He would rent a MB convertible and have the limo driver follow him when driving all over the city. Peter would routinely get lost and the driver would have to find him since he would lose the driver by being in front.

If you have Peter Arnell stories (even positive ones!) to share, email us.