Poster Boy-Friendly Ad Agency Happycorp: Dead? (Updated)

Thehappycorp is an edgy little ad agency that most recently made news for getting Poster Boy to remix some MOMA ads, and getting fired by MOMA for it. Now a tipster says everyone's been fired.
Happycorp boss Doug Jaeger was the man who came up with the Poster Boy stunt, which ended up causing friction between him and his partner, Matt Spangler. Spangler left the firm earlier this month, according to AgencySpy. And now, we hear, the place is shutting down. According to our tipster, Jaeger told his remaining staff that he was taking an agency job—but that he'd found jobs for all of them, too. But: "then came in next day and told them, he's changed mind, he's taking agency job and they're all fired effective now."
If true, this is probably symbolic of marketing trends in the new economy and the folly of corporate hubris, but also: Poster Boy destroys!
UPDATE: We received this email from former employees:
thehappycorp's core creative team, Jeff Baxter, Jon Chonko, and Alex Sturtevant, have amicably left the company and we are now doing business as Future Friends.
We've throughly enjoyed our time at thehappycorp and as Future Friends we will be completing active happycorp projects while taking on new clients and looking towards a bright future.
[If you have more info and you'd like to confirm or deny, email us. Pic of the Poster Boy MOMA stunt in action via NY Mag/ Doug Jaeger]