Dude There's This Axe Body Spray Club in The Hamptons With So Many Sluts, I Swear

Haha, we know exactly what to make of this: Axe Body Spray is sponsoring a nightclub in the Hamptons for the whole summer. Brah:
The rich can't even afford to go to the Hamptons this year. Who shall take their place? The wearers of Axe Body Spray! It all makes perfect sense:
While other brands have sponsored party spaces, like the Polaroid Beach House in Malibu or the Esquire Apartment or the Playboy Mansion, this is one of the first brand-sponsored nightclubs going for a full season.
For its branded mating experience, Axe selected a big club on Southampton's main party strip, North Sea Road. The club has been known as Dune for the last couple of years, but this summer it will turn into the Axe Lounge.
Where better to meet a nice guy than "The Axe Lounge"? It's the place where young men who see their own stories told in Axe Body Spray commercials and the women who love them can meet!
There will be Axe branding on the D.J. booth, menu and valet tickets; an Axe-themed drink; and Axe products in the men's and women's bathrooms...But, Mr. Heller said, the branding will be relatively subtle.
DUDES COME MEET SLUTS HERE AXE AXE AXE axe (last one for subtlety).