American Girl Doll Is Anarcho-Hippie Terrorista!

When the American Girl corporation had to pick a name for its new Jewish Girl doll, they went with: "The name of an Earth Liberation Front enviro-terrorist arsonist wanted by the FBI." Hey, that's racist.
Here's Rebecca Rubin, fictional 1914-era girl created by American Girl corporate marketing wizards in a naked bid for the last of the multicultural dollars. And here's Rebecca J. Rubin, aka "Little Missy," wanted for arson in Oregon in connection with burning down evil buildings for the hardcore anarchohippie Earth Liberation Front:

How to tell them apart? The FBI notes that the arsonist Rubin "may have light facial hair." So, yea.
Clearly the solution is to arrest everyone responsible for creating American Girl Dolls.
[NYT. Good catch, Salkin!]