Global Visionary Seeks Sexxxy Prostitute Goddess For Love

Love flourishes, with the help of the internet! Are you an intensely sexual, spiritual, non-Scientologist goddess, searching for a meditative high school physics teacher for true love? Hare Krishna prostitutes a plus! The most romantic website ever is here:
Meet Mark. He's looking for his Goddess. Could it be you? Maybe, if you meet these qualifications, among many others?
- Mark's "on the brink of a large-scale financial success that many people believe will escalate me, over the next decade, from member of the middle class-to billionaire." Can you handle that?
- Mark has a GLOBAL VISION: "The Political Manifestation of World Peace and World Joy - A Grand "Symphony" to Be Performed by the Light Workers of Planet Earth." Among its tenets:
* Transformation of Computers and the Computer Industry into the LIGHT.
* Transformation of Science into the LIGHT.
* Transformation of Health Care into the LIGHT.
* Transformation of Business Management into the LIGHT.
* Destiny Support.- There's lots of other ones involving the LIGHT, too!

Mark needs a Goddess to travel this path with him. What does that mean? "Goddess' means a woman who is blossoming in many qualities of spiritual enlightenment AND is intensely sexual." Mark's artistic rendering of a goddess is at right.
- "She engages in one or a combination of the following spiritual practices for a minimum of 15 minutes per day(mdash;meditating, chanting "Hare Krishna," etc.)...I would prefer someone who spends more like 1 or 2 hours per day on such practices (as I have been doing for 35 years), and I think 15 minutes is pretty minimal for a Goddess.
- "She is NOT a Scientologist."
- Body requirements include:
She is extremely attractive. She's HOT. She turns heads wherever she goes.
She is sexy. VERY sexy.
Her hair is her own and at least to her shoulders. Alternatively, she is willing to grow her hair long for me and keep it long for me.
Her voice is not low or raspy. (Alto is fine; baritone is not.)- "She is deeply disturbed that each day approximately 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes."
- "She believes in the light-filled MAGIC of sacred sex. She wants to utilize this magic to manifest our Global Vision. She realizes that her sacred sexual union with me is crucial for manifesting the Global Vision."
- "If she has been a prostitute, that is GOOD!! We can discuss it at length. I have written a book (not yet published) entitled, Resurrecting the Innocence in Prostitutes. Fascinating topic! And it's an important part of my Global Vision."
- What more is there to tell? Mark himself is a divorced high school teacher in LA and musical theater aficionado and, as he mentioned, Global Visionary. Write to to apply now.