That darned New York Post—they are immoral! They had an advice column by Ashley Dupre—who had sex, for money, which is illegal! The Daily News just cannot remain quiet any longer! It has to stand up, here!

Give em a piece of your mind, Joanna Molloy! Here is the problem Joanna Molloy has with all this: Ashley Dupre was a prostitute who had sex for money and now she is sullying the pristine pages of a New York tabloid! Well sure probably Ashley Dupre can tell you lots about pornography, ha. Well maybe the New York Post just likes whores, ha. And furthermore Ashley Dupre is a dumb whore!

As we all know, those mistakes go far beyond her error of getting a "Hang in There" tattoo in Latin. or agreeing to have sex with Spitzer while he still had black knee socks on.

Any dumb whore too dumb to tell some dude to take off his socks before they have sex for money is too dumb to be writing a tabloid sex advice column here in the New York market, is just how the Daily News feels!

Now get back to that Hot Lesbian Teacher Sex story, Daily News!