Meg Whitman's sons, Griff and Will Harsh, have been kicked out of prep schools, an eating club, dormitories, and Princeton's class of 2008, say people who know them. One incident involving the n-word is already internet famous.

Yesterday we documented big brother Griff's beer-throwing and sheltered ways. Today, a glimpse at Will Harsh's little brother blues—and how he compensated with white entitlement, according to a tipster/commenter and classmate:

Griff's non-refundable membership to Cottage [eating club] was paid in full when he got suspended. So some of the officers would let Will attend some meals and formals events in his brother's place until Will got banned from there.

The story goes that Will yelled "what are all these niggers doing here" one night when all the members of the Black Arts Company where there to celebrate a show they had performed. Cottage is know as one of the whiter clubs on campus so I assume that he was shocked to see so many black people there in a night. He was already on notice with Cottage officers because of an altercation he started with a bouncer early in the year.

This account varies from Guest of a Guest's version, which has Will hurling the n-word at a specific person. Unless, of course, there was more than one epithet-related ban?

Sources say Will was kicked out of two prep schools (one New England boarding school and one local private school) and was eventually forced to endure the humiliation of—gasp!—public high school.

While we're on the subject of scholarship, here's another item on Griff, which is actually quite sad:

Griff didn't walk at graduation. I was one of the students working the checkout fair and was responsible for giving students their cap/gowns. Griff wouldn't take one because he said that he would be traveling.

Sure, walking at graduation is overrated, especially if it's outdoors and you're trapped in the sun in one of those awful, heavy black gowns. But there's something profound about the scion of one of the university's most generous and celebrated donors declining to walk. Was it too embarrassing? To him, or to his mother? (And, more powerfully: Why?) Or did Griff simply not care enough to move his vacation back a couple days? By his senior year, Griff may have tuned out on campus life, anyway—he had allegedly been banned from living in the dorms, including the $30M residential complex his mother built.

As for life after graduation, Griff's old LinkedIn profile (image below) lists private equity firm Solamere, founded by Tagg Romney. Tagg, of course, is a significantly more enthusiastic political son/heir. I wonder what their conversations are like.

The Whitman-Harsh camp has yet to reply to our emails, but if any of them want to set the record straight, we're all ears.