We've had enough of trying to follow all the speculation around Apple's impending tablet — how it'll work, its size, the name, the software and whether it will save magazines. We want answers, dammit! And we're willing to pay.

Apple has said absolutely nothing about its tablet, but everyone expects it to be unveiled in San Francisco on Jan. 27. So, that gives you to two weeks to play in Valleywag's Apple Tablet Scavenger Hunt: If you can find the first genuine photos, video or — the holy grail — the actual messiah machine itself before then and they're exclusive to us, we'll give you a cash prize. We've even drawn up the helpful menu above.

Anonymity of both the winners and losers is important to us: We'll go to spycraft-level lengths to prevent anything being traced back to you. And, of course, found any other authentic evidence of the Apple Tablet that we didn't mention? We're interested. Send your entries to gabriel@gawker.com.

Here are the catches: given that PhotoShop exists and how it's already been used to make fake Apple Tablet pictures and videos, we're the final arbiters of whether your pics are legit. For that reason, we'd highly recommend that they be well-lit and hi-res. Second, we're not paying out any prizes until after Apple's announcement. If your pics are fake, no money. We encourage you to stay within the bounds of the law and our standard contest rules apply. We reserve the right to limit, or restrict upon notice, participation in the Contest to any person at any time for any reason. Void where prohibited. Good luck and happy hunting.