The plaintiffs smell blood now. The New York Post—already the subject of multiple lawsuits claiming racist discrimination—is now being sued for sexism and ageism. Also, one Post editor allegedly has his own "harem" of hot sexxxy underlings.

It should be noted that the allegations in all these suits should be taken with a grain of salt; even the fact that the New York Post has a demonstrably evil editorial slant does not totally counteract the natural human tendency to smell money in the air.

That said! In this latest suit, veteran NYP photographer Mary McLoughlin alleges that she was pushed out of a job after she became sick and injured. She says that the Post suffers from a pervasive atmosphere of sexism and ageism. After decades of loyal service, she says, the paper started placing unreasonable demands on her—sending her after impossible stories and chastising her for failure, cutting her out of her normal duties—in order to ultimately force her out of her job for good. She tosses in several fun allegations of old white male sexism, like this "Hot jockey" incident:

Best of all is the section of McLoughlin's complaint that goes on at length about an alleged "harem" of sexy young women that the boss maintained. Very amusing!

He of course was the captain of the ship! Only an allegation, folks. We've emailed the NYP's PR firm for a response. In the meantime, if you have any inside knowledge of these allegations, email us.

UPDATE: The New York Post sent this statement Tuesday afternoon:


The EEOC has already dismissed Mary's complaints about being discriminated against, and her latest round of salacious, defamatory, allegations similarly has absolutely no merit.

Mary has been a photographer for our LI bureau, working out of her home. She has been on leave for a year but has remained employed by the Post. She is a longtime employee who never complained about any acts of age or sex discrimination while actively employed by the Post. After being placed on final warning, she promptly went out on a leave from which she has yet to return. Today, the day after Mary filed her lawsuit, she called to indicate she wanted to return to work.

This lawsuit is baseless.