Today at Gawker.TV,Fox and Friends are forced to touch real body fat, highlights from the NBA Slam Dunk contest, Jersey Shore girls get made-over by Rachael Ray, anchorman gets attacked by pelican, and Cleveland pokes fun at cat ladies.

Dr. Oz Forces Fox & Friends Anchors to Touch Body Fat from Real Dead Bodies
Dr. Oz pays a visit to Fox and Friends and grosses both the anchors and the rest of America out by showing us what real belly fat looks like. Oh, did we mention yet that it's real fat from a real dead body?

The Cleveland Show Pokes Fun at Cat Ladies
When Holt's blow-up sex doll girlfriend is exposed to the world, the guys decide they need to find him a real girlfriend. Lucky for them, there's a new girl at the office who's single and loves cats.

Jersey Shore Girls Get Made Over on Rachael Ray
The scandalous and scantly dressed gals of Jersey Shore went to The Rachael Ray Show to get themselves a makeunder. Surprise, surprise: they mostly hate it.

The Best Moments from Saturday's Slam Dunk Contest
The Slam Dunk Contest is routinely the highlight of NBA All Star Weekend. This year was an exception: the usual lack of stars and a strangely unenthusiastic crowd made for a boring event. However, there were some kernels of fun.

Australian Weatherman Attacked by a Pelican on Live TV
Channel 9's Steve Jacobs was broadcasting live when a pelican began attacking his backside. We think he must have managed to walk away with only a scratch because his screams are mixed with laughter.