Jennifer Aniston stopped by the Late Show tonight for a chat with David Letterman. It was... awkward? Letterman randomly recited Aniston's filmography for her, brought up her age, obsessed over a magazine spread of her house, and more. Video inside.

Letterman started the interview in true creepster style by talking about how "huge" Aniston's face was on the screen during his viewing of her new film, The Bounty Hunter, last night. Then, he went on an aside about foreign actors (which segued into a discussion of her filming routine), before reading Aniston's filmography as she sat there humoring him, but surely thinking, "What the HELL is the point of this?"

After that, Letterman asked Aniston about the recent engagement of her former Friends cast mate, David Schwimmer (after she brought it up), and it was revealed that she didn't know the name of his fiance. Just when it didn't look like things could get any worse, Letterman decided to bring up Aniston's recent birthday (she turned 41 on February 11) and asked her if she wanted to let everyone know her age.

And this was all during the first segment!

After the commercial, Letterman basically told Aniston that she shouldn't feel like a washed-up sitcom star because she's now making films, which she "ought to" be doing, as if it was some sort of compliment.

"Thank God I'm doing what I'm supposed to do," Aniston replied. "Thank God!"

And to round it all out, Letterman then spent way too much time going through an issue of Architectural Digest that featured a photo spread of Anisotn's home and asked her a bunch of arbitrary and—yes—awkward questions.

I think the only person happier than me when this train wreck wrapped up was Aniston herself.

[Late Show with David Letterman]