What is going on with LiLo's shoes? Kate Winslet is haunted by the ghost of relationships past. Sandra Bullock abandoned her house too. Gerard Butler's hands wander frighteningly. Demi Moore shrieks on Twitter. Monday's gossip is scared senseless.

  • Why is there white powder all over Lindsay Lohan's shoes? Is it baby powder to keep her footsies smelling pretty? Maybe an anthrax attack? Was she hiding a bag of coke in her shoe and it exploded everywhere? If that's true, who hides coke in their shoe? No one wants to snort a bunch of rails that are all sticky (and stinky) with toe jam. God, Linds. You're carrying a tiny little purse. That thing was made to carry drugs! [Popeater]
  • Looks like Kate Winslet is so upset over her divorce that she is planning on unloading the Chelsea triplex apartment that she bought with Sam Mendes in 2005 for $6 million. Friends say that the pair fought so much in the house that the star thinks it is tainted. Mendes has been staying in his office that is in the same building as their apartment ever since the split. Winslet has been vacationing in Mexico with former co-star Emma Thompson, but must return to the Big Apple soon to start filming the HBO adaptation of Mildred Pierce (we are so there!). She better work quick to find some new digs or it could be very awkward running into good old Sam in the lobby. [P6]
  • In Sandra-Bullock-got-cheated-on news, she has moved into the Hollywood home she occupied before marrying cheating husband Jesse James, who is shacked up in their Orange County abode. Maybe he can get a Real Housewife or two to keep him company. Anyway, Sandra's not leaving the house. Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, the tattooed woman who James cheated on Bullock with, is also in seclusion, but that hasn't stopped her father from talking to the press. He told a Cleveland television station that McGee was under the impression that the two were broken up and didn't know they were seeing each other until she spotted them in tandem at the Oscars. "She felt [betrayed] . . . She felt like she was going to have a relationship and this happened, and she was mad," he told WJW-TV. Oh yeah, that is a huge shock. America's sweetheart shows up with her own husband to the Academy Awards? How dare she! [NY Post]
  • Gerard Butler stuck his finger up Jennifer Aniston's buttcrack and there are pictures. Ha! [TMZ]
  • Demi Moore does not like the word "pimpin'" and, as such, started a Twitter fight with Kim Kardashian when she innocently used the word in an online communique. "No disrespect I love a girls' night out but a pimp and pimping is nothing more than a slave owner!" Demi said. Damn, momma is sensitive! Kim responded, "Nothing wrong with dancing to Big Pimpin' by Jay Z in the club! Having a girls night out, gotta love that song." Way to tell her Kim. And Demi, if you're really that concerned about "pimpin'" and slavery, maybe put down your Tweet Deck and do something about it. [E! Online]
  • The ladies really want some of DJ Paulie's D! Before he headed to Miami to film the second season of Jersey Shore he worked the females into such a state of frenzy at his farewell party at Mohegan Sun casino on Saturday that they were literally fighting over him. Damn, it seems fame is even more potent than a hot tub. [Gatecrasher]
  • In other JS-related news, it seems that Snooki has gotten rid of her trademark poof—dancing and fist-pumping along with her boyfriend at an Upper East Side salon—in lieu of something sleek and streaked with red. That sounds more like The Situation's new Camaro than it does a hairstyle. [P6]
  • Angelina Jolie as Maleficent in Tim Burton's Sleeping Beauty? Yeah, I'd see that. [NYDN]

[Image via Pacific Coast News]